I've started to sell my product in
my Etsy shop. I'd like to answer the probable or real questions from the responses.
Today's question: $230 for TKL keycap set is very pricey. Why?
In short:
Excellent design cannot live without diversity. Diversity costs ridiculously high.
In long:
In every area where people lives, there are private dressmakers. In every big cities, there are private car factories which make their own specialty cars. They are the base of Chanel and Ferrari.
I'm otaku in Japan. I know doujinshi market. Over 35,000 people makes their own booklets i.e. doujinshi. They are the base of Evangelion and Naruto.
I'll show a difficult case too; wrist watch. I think that wrist watch's design is boring and monotonous. Go to a shoe shop and a wrist watch shop, and compare them. In my eyes, the latter seems like going to ruin. This is because wrist watch market lacks the base like dress, car, or shoe, I suppose.
How about keyboard? The situation is far worse than wrist watch. The base is nearly zero. The design is...
If you live in one of G7 countries, I suppose that you have never ordered any dress to nearby dressmaker. The price is ridiculously high comparing to GAP. Private factory's specialty car, doujinshi, private shoemaker's shoe, they are all ridiculously pricey comparing to mass production stuff.
So, what price is appropriate in the case of keycap? This is a tough question.
Let's start from current status. My competitor's price, $50 to $100, is low or high? If high enough, why I cannot find hundreds of shops in Ebay or Etsy?
This is what I bet on. If people becomes to think $230 for TKL keycap set is reasonable, hundreds of shops will appear.
From the standpoint of investment, to rationalize under $140 price, over $3,000 instruments and materials are required. This is difficult investment for highly uncertain market. If shops use outside supplier for printing, the production cost should be the half of the selling price at most. I think that over $100,000 investment is required to rationalize $70 PBT dye-sub TKL set printing for very small quantity. I cannot imagine such investment occurs without certain prospect of business.
(By the way, the numbers above is on the assumption of printing on two sides (front and top) of keycap. If only top side, the numbers become about 2/3. In the case of my product, if only top side, I will sell it for $150. But printing on front side makes keycap much luxury.)
Hundreds of shops will be the base of excellent design of keyboard. In the day, you can buy beautiful keyboard from top brand like Chanel, but the price is like Chanel too.
I'm much confident of my design and I believe no future top brand can make better stuff than mine. Of course, every private dressmaker, shoemaker, car factory, etc. believes just same as me. We are the diversity.